Jane's World
This is a place that I hope will reflect my interests. I hope it will become a channel of communication as well.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Around the house...
The picture of Mum and Dad was taken at Annabelle's wedding at camp many years ago. It is probably the nicest photo of the two of them together.
This is the bed where I slept very comfortably in Carol's sewing room. Carol made the beautiful quilt on this bed!
The living room window is prettier than any painting, especially when you look through it to the lovely winter scene in their front yard! That is Charlie, of course, no doubt watching Corner Gas!
Glenn's Market
We stopped at Glenn's Market where this sign was hanging above an aisle near the front of the store. Glenn's Market is not a terribly big store, but it has everything - a sort of mini Wal-Mart. Bill bought some beef mesquite jerky. They had all kinds of exotic jerky including kangaroo, and alligator, as well as the more ordinary varieties. It was very good, not tough and impossible to chew. It would be good, I think, as a base for a stew as well as being a pretty good snack!
The Michigan Trip
Charlie and I went up to Michigan the last week of February. It was a wonderful time! P2 loaned us his GPS which proved very helpful. The car battery seemed to die when we got stuck in a traffic tie-up in Ohio near the Michigan line. An Ohio State Police Officer came by and gave us a jump which enabled us to continue. We were afraid to plug in the GPS after that lest it drain the battery, so we just turned it on when we needed to know where to make the next turn. When we were nearly to our destination we were detoured to a country road. It was getting dark, but the GPS got us back on the right road without incident. Without it we would have been panicked.
It was so good to see Bill and Carol again! Good to see Paul, too, but we kept our distance from him as he was recovering from a nasty bug.
The next day we went to Glenn's Market and then on to Lake Michigan. We had a delicious lunch at a Chinese Buffet in a little town beside the lake.
The weather was not good for site seeing on Friday, so we stayed in and were treated to selections from Bill's vast collection of radio and old tv programs. We especially enjoyed watching Corner Gas. I miss being able to watch it on tv.
Our trip home was relatively uneventful. It was nice to see the snow disappearing as we neared home. Bill had about a foot on the ground, but at home it was all gone, except for where it had been piled up from cleaning the parking lot.
Going through my pictures, I realize that I never took pictures of Paul's apartment. He did a fantastic job of building his private retreat in the basement. It is just beautiful!