Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Paul and Daniel are Jedi's, Joyce is an Indian maiden, David is a commando and Annabelle is the cute little bunny.

Headstand and Handstand

That is Paul on top, still wearing his cap and Daniel standing on his hands.

All about Steve

One day Steve walked into the lives of the Blair kids. They brought him over to meet me and showed him off to everyone. Mr. Bill said that Steve would not want to stay around. He could only be truly happy in the woods where he made his home.

Dancing with Frog

Note the shoes. Annabelle put Joyce's shoes on Frog.

Princess Annabelle

David the Muscle Man

All the kids like to play with these tinker toys. I got them at a thrift store many years ago and gave them to my mother for her grandchildren. David's dad played with them when he was little.

Catching up...

It is hard to believe that it is the end of October. The leaves have almost all fallen and we have had our first snowfall. I am way behind in posting...
Annabelle loves to share the fake baby bottle with her baby.

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